Pretty hands do pretty things when pretty times arrive.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Harry Potter and the Blog Update That Covered Two Days of Fun.

Well I finally came down with whatever "Fresher's Flu" bug has been going through all of the first years here at the University. So I'm pretty much stuck in my room reading Steven Erikson books, and listening to a mix of Five Iron Frenzy, Pink Floyd, and the Braveheart soundtrack. Also I decided to update the blog.

After a strong start to my four-day weekend on Thursday (which came in the form of a Pina Colada with some of my favorite "Americans-in-England"), Friday went pretty well. No classes meant I could sleep until noon. Then came lunch with Siobhan, Deidra, and Siah at the FCH refectory; also we picked up our 70 pound stipend, and thank goodness for that, because I needed some groceries. Friday ended with Dan, Doug, Will, Josiah, and I having our first "Pub Night" after weeks of talking about it. What a night it was, too: I think the topics of discussion covered the intersection of faith and rationality, church denominations, our personal stories of growing up in the church, favorite bands, and 5 albums people must listen to before they die.

All that over a pint of Lowenbrau (is it bad that I think it tastes good?).

Saturday also turned out well. Doug and I hit up the two halloween costume shops on High Street to find some good halloween garb. And find it we did. I purchased my Gryffindor scarf, circular glasses, and phoenix-feather wand (guess who i was?) and Doug found a cardboard box and some wrapping paper and bows. If you're going to a Halloween party as "God's gift to Women", you have to do it right.

Afterwards, it was grocery-shopping to support my diet of yogurt, frozen pizza, deli-style ham sandwiches, Frosted Flakes, and canned fruit. Then off to Park Bar for the party...

...which was actually no different than any other Park Bar party, except that the running theme was make yourself look as dead as possible. I ended up heading out at about midnightand made it home to my flat for the Marshmallow Bowl.

In case no one knows what the Marshmallow Bowl is, it is the game of the Messiah Soccer season when Etown and Messiah play each other in a grueling rivalry match.....and Messiah rocks their face. It was no different last night, Messiah winning 1-0 and remaining undefeated for two seasons in a row.

Things I learned this weekend:

1) Some guys think Harry Potter costumes are "gay", but are perfectly fine with wearing women's clothing.

2) If you want girls to notice you at University, just wear a Harry Potter costume to the Halloween Party.

3) Ron Weasely does not get nearly the amount of props that he should.

4) Messiah is still better than anyone else's team.

Also, my 5 albums were OK Computer (Radiohead), Before These Crowded Streets (Dave Matthews Band), Kind of Blue (Miles Davis), Deloused In The Comatorium (The Mars Volta), and Pretend You're Alive (Lovedrug). Runner-up goes to any FIF album ever made.

And I'm glad the Skins have a bye-week, because a man can only cry so much before it just hurts.


"Just 'cause you feel it, doesn't mean it's there."


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