Pretty hands do pretty things when pretty times arrive.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


So I get on the bus home from classes today, and Siah picks up a newspaper. The front page is this:

I can't tell in words how sad it made me. I'm sad that anyone would ever do this to another person, especially young girls. I'm sad that this is how people choose to solve their problems. I'm sad that vengeance is still something we cling to as humans, and we think that somehow, if we get back at people, it will mean something. I'm sad that, for all appearances, this man is spending eternity apart from God.

This is why we need the love of Christ. I don't buy the notion that, if we learn how to be good or if we rationalize away this behavior in an attempt to prevent it, then it will stop. Only the power and love of God shown through Jesus Christ can change the tainted hearts of men, only His power and love can cause us to give up our selfish vendettas, and only His power and love can truly show us how to love our neighbors. Nothing else can.

I have many thoughts in my head, but I don't know which to say first.

Romans 8:38-39


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