Pretty hands do pretty things when pretty times arrive.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The best excuse to eat junk food.

If you pay attention to my post titles, then you know that tonight's can only mean one thing: donating blood.

Yes, after answering questions about my sexual orientation and habits, getting stuck in the finger, and watching 450 mL of my own O+ blood flow out of my body, I was rewarded with all the free juice and cookies I wanted.

Because every other day of the year, I have to eat healthy veggies and fruities and turkey meats so that I don't just, you know, keel over and die. But, what? I just voluntarily lost blood! Sure as shootin' I'm getting OJ and cookies from the Magic Tree Oven!

No, in all seriousness, donate blood if you can. The reserves are needed and (maybe this is a little too dramatic) it could mean someone's life. And on that note, I'll end with my favorite quote of the day, from the 35 year old woman that checked my blood's iron level:

"Man, like we need another song from these Nickelback-copy bands."

There is hope!


"A well-dressed man in the crosshairs."


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