Pretty hands do pretty things when pretty times arrive.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

"We can wipe you out anytime"

So funny story from today.

Still being psyched out of my brain from last night's Lost premiere, in my Genetics and Society class today, my professor asked what was up and going on with all of us. I mentioned some offhand comment about Lost being back on, to which he replied in a sort of unimpressed manner and he asked if I was a fan.

Then being in a bit of an argumentative mood, I replied that I thought it was the best show on TV, to which a few people in the class mumbled, "No....I don't think so."

Well, come on, people! You don't think it is, then tell me what you think is? Don't just mumble at me. Is it Grey's Anatomy? Bah, that show is proof that people will suck down dirt and drivel as long ABC can come up with as many "McDreamy, McSteamy, McDorkey, McHumpy" nicknames as possible. Maybe to reel in more viewers they can change the know something like McRipoff...or McRehash.

Now if anyone had said "24", I may just be willing to recant my previous Lost statement.

I'm really such a snob sometimes. it was all in good fun honestly. You wanna watch Grey's Anatomy, then fine.


"Take my hand, 'cause we're walking right out of here"


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