Pretty hands do pretty things when pretty times arrive.

Friday, March 30, 2007

out on the beaches, we wore pineapple grass bracelets.

So there's more pictures.

Pensive again. I'm a little hung up on evaluating my tangible impact for God. Do I really make every effort to be a witness and to bring glory to the name of God. Sometimes, yes. Other times, no.

Sometimes I honestly do expect myself to be the guy that is always inserting something Christian into everything I say. Like if someone mentions Jesus, I should just whip out John 14:6 and start talking about how we shouldn't forget that He is, "the Way, the Truth, and the Life." I suppose I could do that, however impractical that is.

Sometimes you can't just obligatorily insert something biblical into every sentence. But maybe all people need to see from me is for me to be the kid that isn't drinking considerable amounts of alcohol or using questionable language or talking about that hot chick in Chem lab. Maybe that's all the witness that some people will see from me.

I admit that bugs me a little. It's strange to think that I may not even see the impact of my testimony and actions. It's discouraging sometimes because I wonder continually if I am exemplifying the right things. But is it not great that we have a God who can cross the T's and dot the I's--or mind the P's and Q's--in a way greater than ours. What I mean is that God can use those things that we don't do as witnesses in themselves. Maybe even more than the things we do do.

That thought struck me tonight.


"I'm going under the stars..."

Hands and feet are all alike.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Moto Photo

Monday, March 26, 2007

Turn your gaze to heaven...

I am having serious Florida withdrawal.

Okay, so before i give you the promised pictures, here is the next addition to songs that can save the world. This one is from the Decemberists and it's called "Sons and Daughters". Check it out, you'll like it.

When we arrive
Sons & daughters
We'll make our homes on the water
We'll build our walls aluminum
We'll fill our lives with cinnamon now

These currents pull us 'cross the border
Steady your boats
Arms to shoulder
'till tides are pulled
Hold our grounds
Making this cold harbor now home

Take up your arm
Sons and daughters
We will arise from the bunkers
By land, by sea, by dirrigible
We'll leave our tracks untraceable now
When arriveSons and daughters
We'll make our lives on the water
We'll build our walls aluminum
We'll fill our mouths cinnamon

When we arrive
Sons and daughters
We'll make our homes on the water
We'll build our walls aluminum
We'll fill our mouths cinnamon

Here all the bombs fade away
Here all the bombs fade away
Here all the bombs fade away
Here all the bombs fade away



Sunday, March 25, 2007

"This station is non-operational"

Well, ok, I may have been wrong when I said I would update during my trip. But I do have loads and loads of lovely photos to share.

I'll get to those tomorrow though. Right now, I'm in more of the reflective type of trance. It blows my mind how much things in your life can change. It blows my mind how much of a blessing good friends can be. I know a bunch of people and there are some who I'd hang with once in a while, some that I'd see regularly, and then others that I just love to death and without whom I would just drown in my own loneliness. The kids from this trip are definitely in that last category (especially The Midnight Pool Club). I am so unbelievably blessed and there are so many things about this trip that I'll never forget.

Just around 50 days til the end of the semester? No! That means half of my friends are gone and responsible. I dread that. Terribly.

Pictures tomorrow.


"We have all we need in You."

Sunday, March 18, 2007

What is that?

Florida is awesome. 70 degrees and breezy. Music to my ears. I'll update a bit more this week than I have been in the last three weeks. Pray for my trip.


"Why so green and lonely?"